There are many songs that clearly reflect the journey in this life that Ivan and I have made- as individuals, as lovers, as partners, and as friends. The song- And Then He Kissed Me, by the Crystals, pretty much sums up how everything started for us. In fact, it is almost exactly how it all started. If you do not remember the song, look it up on YouTube. It will make you smile, I hope. Until then, here are the words.

Now, mind you, I was 15 years old, and a sophomore at Moline High School, the first time we met; 16 years old, and a junior at MHS, when we first started “dating”, and 17 years old, a senior at MHS, when we knew, someday, we would marry.
This song became “ours” somewhere in the area of 16 1/2 years old. I knew nothing about love, or lust, or anything, except how I felt when I was with Ivan. The world, as I knew it then, revolved completely around my feelings for him. He, on the other hand, knew a “good thing” when he saw it, and decided to “take a chance” on someone as naive, and inexperienced, as me.
I must say that we both thank God, daily, that he took said chance. Neither of us can even begin to imagine what our lives would have been like with “someone else”.
After 49 years of “knowing” each other, we are still in love, still in lust, and still best of friends. We wish everyone felt this way, but we know we are blessed, as fewer and fewer couples are these days.