An old friend

Not that our friend is old, he isn’t. It’s just that we’ve known him since he was a child.

I was so pleased this morning when I got up.

My phone didn’t get charged last night so it was completely blank this morning. However,

I opened up my tablet, and noticed I had received a message on IMessage. Low and behold, it was NH, the son of two of the most wonderful human beings Ivan, and I have known. Unfortunately, both of those lovely people have passed; his mother, whose name was Georgia, most recently. They both meant so much to Ivan; her passing, especially, was hard on him.

N. said he had stumbled on my blog site, (how that happens I cannot say), but I was so pleased that he contacted me to let me know how much he has enjoyed reading my posts. Awesome. I didn’t know others, outside our immediate sphere, even knew I posted.

Anyway, as I replied to N., it is as much fun writing about our shenanigans as it is experiencing them. Truth.

I am on my way to the kitchen to sample the egg bites I made this morning. Can’t wait.

Now, if I could just find a way to stop that little girl in the next building from crying every day ……

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Thanks N. You made my weekend. 😉

Post script: happy belated birthday to our daughter Elisha.