
It is an absolutely beautiful day, and we are traveling, to LA.

This weekend is the annual fair, and we are hoping to be able to see some of it. I say hoping because it has been raining for about a week! I, personally, could care less if it is raining or not. We are out of isolation, even if it is only a temporary reprieve. I will take what I can get.

It recharges my internal batteries, when we get out of the apartment! The sun is shining, the temperature is a mild seventy two degrees Fahrenheit, twenty two degrees Celsius. There is a cool breeze, and the sky is a beautiful light blue, with puffy, swirling white clouds. An amazing day; another reason to live here.

We are actually taking some things to LA, to be left there; we can stop lugging clothes, makeup, toiletries, etc. back, and forth. Win, win. Not a big deal when we take the BMW, but with the Mercedes, even with its good sized trunk, there never seems to be enough room, especially sitting room.

We are going to celebrate my father in law’s birthday when we get home, on Sunday. He will turn ninety three tomorrow, the twenty sixth of June. Here he was, two days ago. Excellent shape for his age.

We are working diligently to get the apartment cleaned up enough to bring Juan over to live with us. We miss having him with us, to get us outside, walking, sitting at the table, talking. I used to make him coffee at night, before he went to bed. I miss that. I will pick up more Spanish with him living with us, as well.

This post is taking forever, with all of the bumping around in the backseat! So, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones. We are going to the fair.

Post script: we have been “on the road “ one hour and are still in town!!!

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