There have been so many things we have purchased, online, of course, for the condo, that have been sent from the US. Now, since we discovered®️, and, MercadoLibre®️, we can get them here, and not pay the large shipping and handling charges. Not only those, but the prices of the items, themselves, are more expensive, sometimes, from®.

***I interrupt this post to let you all know we are moving next weekend, to be more precise- the eighteenth of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty!!! After an almost six month remodel, Luis texted us this morning, (09/01/20) that he will have the condo finished by the end of next week, that our table is finished, our bed is almost finished, and, possibly one, if not both Murphy beds will be finished very soon. We are going over to the condo this Saturday to put the window film on all of the windows, before the rooms fill up with totes, and boxes. We are both so excited, it will be hard to sleep. And, as I have my first appointment with Paty’s brother, Dr. Arturo Lara, (remember the Halloween photo of the guy with the saw through his head? That is Arturo), I do not want my blood pressure to be high. Ok. You have read the good news, now, back to the original post.***

So many things we took for granted, living in the States, that we now have to pay through the wazzoo to obtain. Salt, for example. We have enjoyed using Diamond Crystal®️salt, because it is flakes of salt, not grains, for many years. I ordered some from They did not get delivered when they estimated they would, so I contacted the seller, only to be told it was being held up at the Customs office. Customs, here, wanted a certificate from the government here because this is considered a food item. Technically, it is a food item, and, you cannot bring food from the US into México, or, into the US from México.

Needless to say, I was not to be deterred. I was fortunate enough to find the flaked salt on MercadoLibre®️ for only one arm, and one leg. Pumpkin pie filling- another luxury. Only had to sacrifice the other arm for that. The good news is that both were delivered in only three days.

So, going forward, we are making lists of things we need to buy in the States, when we return in August of next year. We are planning to bring an empty suitcase to fill with our bounty, contraband, same thing. It is too expensive to continue to buy the things we are used to having, and have them shipped down here. I suppose we could try to get used the similar things being sold here.

No, probably not!

Anyway, enough for tonight. It is getting late, and with the above insertion of information, it is going to take us awhile to relax enough to get to sleep. Thank you, all, for your care, and consideration for the events in our lives. I hope you still find this somewhat entertaining. And, since no one has left any comments on things you want me to find out about, I am going to continue with my daily rambles. Should you want to know something, in particular, just let me know. Soon, it sounds like, I will be sharing the “move experience” with you. That ought to be interesting, as nothing here ever goes the way you would imagine it should. Stay tuned.