
The other night, when I looked down on my lap, my new nightgown showed that I’m no longer 14 months pregnant.

Room, in my nightgown!!!!

Seriously, I have inches in which to breathe.

It’s been at least a year, maybe 2, since last I had that.

This may not seem like much to any of you reading this, but it is very important to me.

I have said in a recent post, my lower legs, ankles, and feet have been too swollen to move much, so I have become extremely sedate. Since then, my right foot became so painful that I thought I had broken it, when it wasn’t actually.

Now that the weight is slowly coming off, the swelling in my legs is less; not completely gone, but less. The amount of belly sitting on my thighs has decreased exponentially (don’t you just love that word? I sure do.), and the pain in my feet is almost nonexistent. Thank you NOOM. And, thank you exercises.

Again, I am going to say that I will NEVER, EVER allow myself to get so fat. This has been a horrible waste of time, trying to undo what I have allowed to happen. It has brought my world to an almost stand still. Never again.

On that note, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: on this 14th day of October, (at the time of this PS), I am still exercising every evening, so it’s been 16 days, (no Sundays), of continuous exercising. I’m still at it. Not a lot of outward change, but definite inward changes being felt. Plus, a ton of low back discomfort.