All ways are the Queens ways

I am discovering that there are about a gazillion ways to get around this city, and even more opportunities to have a car accident. I must commend the drivers here in CDMX for their uncanny ability to weave in and out of the continuous ebb and flow of the traffic here. It never seems to stop yet there are remarkably very few accidents. To my recollection, I believe we have only come upon one accident in the several weeks we have been here. It makes me laugh to think of those drivers, in the Midwest, where we used to live, that can not even merge courteously. To think of allowing the person in the lane next to you to come over into your lane, in front of you, baffles the Midwestern driver. Here, it is second nature. It gets everyone where they needed to be 20 minutes ago. Red lights are long, green lights are short, and there really is no yellow, except as a caution.

Of all of the popular stores we have been to, and with 5 or 6 different family members driving, each has his or her own route that is taken. None of them goes the same way as any other family member. It is comical, really. We are trying to find our way to these stores, then, just as we memorize a route, someone goes a different way. We always get there eventually, and we get home again.