All is well

As of this morning, I have very minimal itching.

Thank you all for your concern.

On another subject, I have cut up the sirloin primal, and the cap, or picaña, which is absolutely the best.

The rest of the meat will start out as steaks, but if they are too tough, they will be ground into ground beef, mixed with ground pork, and made into Italian sausage. Only a good thing.

It is raining, complete with thunder, and lightening, and I am in Heaven. Actually, I’m in Mexico, but you get the idea.

Went to Costco today, and only spent one arm, and half a leg. That’s ok. We needed “stuff”, so we bought it.

I am teaching Liz how to cut up primal cuts of meat, and vacuum sealing them to be preserved for the future. She is a quick study.

So, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect.