
I do believe that the process of climate acclimation for the two of us is complete. We are freezing. To think, it took only two years. A record.

It is sixty one degrees here, and we both have thermal shirts on, over the top of at least a tee shirt. Over that will go a light weight jacket, and that is here, in the house. Beats being the only ones sweating.

It is eleven thirty in the morning, and we are just getting up. Life in this LA (Los Altos), is so different, and relaxing, than any other place we have ever been. You can go to bed when you want, get up when you want, eat whatever is available, whenever you want.

It is as if time is completely unimportant here. And, for the most part, it is. There are very few things ever scheduled, unless it is a doctor or dental visit. Everything else is pretty much at your leisure. “Going into town”, Perote, is pretty much when everyone is up, has had coffee and something to eat, and then, off we go.

Structureless. I hope that is a word. My spell check did not go crazy so I assume it is. There is very little structured time here. The only ones who really are on a schedule are the children. When they are up and about, everyone gets up and going. Even they, however, do not get up with the sun. Thank Jesus.

Gonna go. My fingers are complaining about the cold, and I have to go to the bathroom. For this visit, at least, it is still downstairs. It is another soon-to-be-started project in the building of a forever home for Jesús, Liz, and Gabi. Things are moving along quite nicely.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.