A trick, and a planner

Here is a little trick I’ve picked up whilst on my “learning how to cook” journey.

I recently made a meatloaf for 2, had half of it leftover which I reheated for dinner, via a steamer, along with 6 small new potatoes, and 250 g. frozen mixed veg. What a banquet.

You folks probably eat like this all of the time, but Ivan, and I eat, or used to eat only things that went into a tortilla. I rarely had time to cook a decent meal as I worked so much.

Now that I have more time than money, I am learning to use it to our advantage. I’m learning how to cook decent, flavorful food without spending 6 hours in the kitchen.

I have also downloaded, and printed 2 weeks of a “weekly menu planner”. Here’s what I chose, and what I’ve done for the first week.

Steaming the small pieces of meatloaf without it falling apart.

So, I started by cutting a narrow piece of parchment paper, cutting that in half again, and put the meatloaf into each piece. Covering the pan of boiling water with the lid, leaving it for about 4 minutes, I removed the now moist, reheated meatloaf onto our plates, and served it with the smashed new potatoes, and mixed veg. Of course both of the latter 2 items were buttered, with S&P added for fresh flavor.

That was my trick to pass along to you. Here’s menu planner.

I’m so excited to see how well I can keep to this type of working menu. It will help me use up the freezer full of food that seems to keep filling up when I’m not paying attention.

I’ll let you know how it goes, as it goes.

Until next time, stay safe. You know how.