A quick update

I have to tell you, quickly, that all of the exercising I have been doing has been so rewarding.

Not much to see outwardly, but soooo much going on under the skin.

I feel so much more solid, stable, less feeble. My core strength is beginning to become obvious to my brain, and is helping to stabilize my back. I used to bump into the edge of anything, a countertop, a desk, a door frame, and my back would spasm like I had been hit with what I imagine an electric cattle prod would feel like.

I really can’t tell you how much better I feel both inside, and out.

I am not going to be discouraged. I am not going to be swayed from my path.

I am going to do this, and I am going to make myself whole.

I am going to walk all the way around the park, not once, but twice, before the end of the year. Then, next year

Well, we’ll see what next year brings. For now,

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.