A new life

By the time most of you read this, Brandon will be born.

He is due to come in to the world around 9:20-9:30 today. Now. Right now.

Jesús and Lizbeth told us last evening that she will be admitted to the hospital at 7:00am; that she will give birth by cesarean section at 9:00am. By the time most of you read this, he should be a beautiful healthy baby boy. I will let you know tomorrow his stats. PLEASE! Pray for Jesús and Liz as this, their third baby, comes into the world.

You may recall that last December, Liz delivered a still born baby girl, Lupita. Now, she is going to deliver a beautiful boy, whose name will be Brandon, having nothing whatsoever to do with the pseudonym being give to the current President of the United States: Joseph Biden.

This little guy will be what he will be; and we will help him, and them, in every way possible in the coming years.

When we have a photo of Brandon, I will post it. But, please, say a prayer for Liz and Jesús. The medical facilities here are not the same as in the US. Things are very different here. We can’t go to the hospital to see her, or the baby; only Jesús can go. Liz’s mom, Alicia, will be here tomorrow, at some time. Even she can’t see Liz, her only daughter.

Until we get Liz, and Brandon home, here, with us, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

The sweetest little thing.