A new day

I woke up today with my attitude adjusted, and am going to have a great day.

The metal works came yesterday for the pantry, and, hopefully, we will put those up today some time. It should not take very long, if we can drill deep enough into the walls.

All of the walls here, save one, are concrete, and take a bit of umph when drilling. Sometimes the bits do not want to work that hard, sometimes they do; just depends on the day. I would really like them to work today. It would sure free up some cupboard space in the pantry for me.

While I was waking up today, I was thinking about, possibly, putting one of the bars in the kitchen, underneath the knife bars. That probably will not happen; doubt he will go for it. And I am not completely convinced I would appreciate all of the cast iron hanging on that wall, in particular. Nah. Let us forget that notion.

Going to go have a cup of coffee, wake up a bit more, then, maybe, do some stairs. Nah; just coffee. It is only six thirty. Later.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.