It’s a lotta coffee

Before the Christmas holidays, and as we were planning on spending said holidays in Los Altos, we bought 5 kilos of instant coffee, in bulk, obviously, to give out as presents. (They drink a lotta instant coffee.)

We got sick. We didn’t go to Los Altos. We still had 5 kilos of instant coffee to give out. Yikes.

10 containers of 1/2 kg. coffee each.
The filling of said containers with coffee.

I spent some time moving the coffee granules from a large, black plastic bag, into the small plastic bowl, into the smaller plastic containers. Lovely. (We’re going to distribute the Coffee Mate as well. I have to find some used jelly jars for that.)

There are plenty of neighbors here, in the condo, or the guards at the front door, or friends of the guards at the door, or family members of our neighbors that will take free coffee, of that I have little doubt.

We just have to get it downstairs, and into their hands. And out of our kitchen.

As I said in an earlier post, we are going to heavily downsize this year. I don’t care how we do it, but we are going to do it. Ivan is in complete agreement, as well. That’s always a good thing.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.