A funny thing

It’s actually funnier now that it’s past, and neither of us is in jail, than when it was at its apex.

You see, our water bill comes every 2 months, or it’s supposed to. However, we haven’t received a bill, looking back on it, since July of 2021. Duh!

The bill, when we did receive it, it was in a prior occupants name, not Ivan’s. I remember, quite some time ago, that we went to the water department to inquire about changing the name, but we needed this form, and that bit of whatever, and we never followed through with it.

Alas. We received a letter informing us that the matter needed to be corrected immediately, so we collected the folder containing the water bills that we had paid in the past, and off we went to the department of all things water. I will include that down here, you must save every receipt for every utility company forever. Not sure why, but that’s what we do; we save everything.

As there were only 3 other people in the office, we were taken right up to window #3, where a very nice young lady helped us. As water is a necessity here, the cost of it is very inexpensive. In fact, our bills have been about $100 MXN every 2 months, or about $5.00 USD. Our total outstanding bill comes to $7556 MXN, or about $428 USD, depending on the rate of exchange. Not too bad for 3 years worth of unpaid usage.

Suffice it to say, we are gathering all of the paperwork needed to prove we are who we say we are, and that we do, indeed, own the apartment that is declared on the bill. In fact, we even have to take a copy of the purchase agreement for the apartment.

That’s all I have for today folks. Hopefully all will be taken care of by the time you are reading this.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: in case you have some interest, I actually made it to 69 years old yesterday. I’m hoping for about 25 more birthdays. We’ll see.