A funny story

So, the guys left this morning at 2:30am. Yup, still the 25th.

I can’t sleep. It’s 4:00am now, and I am still awake. Not even a little bit sleepy. What’s a person to do at that hour, I ask you?

Well, clever person that I am, I decided to stop fighting sleep, stop wasting time, got up, and

Filed my nails.

I put on Ivan’s headlamp, turned it to a fairly low light, and filed away. It took me about 20 minutes, more, or less. I was giving some consideration to stopping, and going back to bed when that was decided for me.

The headlamp stopped working. It was out of charge. Hahaha.

I didn’t get to sleep until after 8:00, however.

At 6:57am a rooster crowed in a near yard, so, of course, I had to count how much time lapsed in between crows. During the first minute, exactly, and I do mean that literally, every 12 seconds. He waited, according to my phone, 1 minute, then started again, less exact this time. The third chorus, once again, perfect, at 12 second intervals. Who needs an alarm.

Anyway, as he was waking others, I was able to drift off for approximately 3 solid hours of relaxing sleep, and peaceful dreams.


Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.