A few more changes

I am going to attempt to get us out of credit card debt within the next 2 years.

This January, I began by decreasing the monthly payments I had been making in an attempt to have just a bit more cash on hand to purchase our groceries, make our local utility payments, plus the condo association fee. In the past, most of the above went on cards as it was easier to pay for the utilities online, instead of driving all over the community to make the payments in cash.

We are going to try the driving around part for the next 6 months for a couple of reasons.

1- I think it will be good for us to get out of the apartment a bit, see the sun, hear the birds, and remember that life is going on around us.

2- Making the payments in cash will allow me to tuck some “left overs” into a makeshift savings for us, here in the apartment; available as needed for emergencies.

3- The cards will not be needed as we will have the cash here at hand, so the payments will actually make a difference over time.

I will let you know, periodically, now it’s going, but I feel, in my heart, this is going to be a good thing for us. Wish us well.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

2 thoughts on “A few more changes”

    1. So far, it’s the best thing I’ve done in a long while. 🫶🏻🇲🇽

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