A breath of fresh air

We are back from four wonderful days, and, nights, in the beautiful city of Los Altos, in the state of Veracruz.

I cannot breathe through my nose. I have gotten some sort of bug; while we were there, I was fine; on the way home, I was fine. Now, I cannot breath through my nose. What the heck?

We had a bit of horseradish sauce left over from shrimp dips, or some such thing, so I tried eating a teaspoonful of that. It only relieved the stuffiness temporarily. On to the Benadryl. We shall see if that works. (I was going to order more horseradish, as the sauce, itself, is about six dollars for a six ounce bottle; it will cost eighty two dollars for shipping and handling. Hahahaha! NO!)

If not, I will have to wait until tomorrow, and ask Jesús to run to the pharmacy for a decongestant. Hopefully, he has a minute to do that. Did I mention that I cannot breathe through my nose?

It does not help that my CPAP will not break through the stuffiness, either. I ended up breathing through my mouth. Not to mention the coughing, the fever, and chills. Life, today, is not a lot of fun. There is always tomorrow.

One fun thing that did happen today; I received another batch of plants. There are twelve different herbs; a large ZZ plant, (Zamioculcas zamiifolia), which, eventually, I will propagate into multiple new plants; a dumb cane, (Dieffenbachia); a dragon tree, (Dracaena Marginata, also to be propagated); and, lastly, a zebra plant, (Calathea Zebrina). I will not buy any more plants, for awhile.

The ZZ plant.
The dieffenbachia.
The Dracaena.

The herbs are basil, chives, cilantro, dill, epazote, lavender, two different types of mint, rosemary, parsley, oregano, and thyme. These, I am going to plant in two, separate, containers so I can put them in our bedroom, either on the floor, or on the bed. The window has a southern exposure, and should provide the light they need throughout the day. Again, we shall see.

The herbs.

While in LA, I was given cuttings of several different plants, most from Liz’ mom, Alicia; a donkey tail, (Sedieveria “Harry Butterfield”); a tiny Tugela cliff-kalanchoe, (Kalanchoe longiflora); several cuttings of a Jade plant, (Crassula Ovata); a small succulent called a Lace aloe, (Aristaloe aristada); a Cotyledon batesii, (Villadia batesii), and a bunch of airplane/spider plant babies. I have potted several of them, but not all. Some need a stronger root structure first. When I feel better, I will upload some photos of these.

I almost forgot the bunch of small-leaf spiderwort Liz’ mom, Alicia, gave me. It grows like a weed. I remember growing it when we were first married, but have not seen it since. There will be plenty of it here, for sure.

Oh, I was also given a gorgeous white geranium at the quinceañera. It is full of unopened blooms that I cannot wait to see. I do not recall ever seeing a white geranium, and have certainly never owned one. Yay for me.

Enough for tonight. I am taking my stuffed up self to bed, and, see if I can sleep. Please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.