A beautiful day

We have walked to the bank, where I am, at present, waiting outside, and, enjoying ever moment.

The air is fresh, and the sky is a beautiful turquoise blue, complete with sparse, yet, puffy white clouds. It is a moderate seventy five degrees Fahrenheit, twenty four degrees Celsius. What could be better?

This is my idea of a perfect day. Plus, we are out of the apartment, and getting some much needed exercise. I feel like we have awakened from comas, and are up, and about for the first time in a month. We really need to do this more often.

We are home now, and have just come downstairs from the living quarters of our friends, Jesús, Lizbeth, and their three year old son, Gabi. I do not know what else to call it, as it is just a room, (on the roof of the condo), about ten feet by ten feet, with a bathroom. The “kitchen” is in another, separate “room”, about five by five, which you can only get to by going out of their room, and, into an adjoining room; they are not connected. It has no windows. The walls, and floor are concrete, and the roof is corrugated tin.

There is just enough room for a full sized bed, that the three of them share, a regular sized dresser, with about six drawers, and a small chair.

The laundry is done outside, in their washing machine, which is up next to the wall of the back side of their living space. Everything is hung up to dry there, as well. The only window is in the bathroom. I do not know what I expected but that was not it.

In Los Altos, when their home is finished, it will have three bedrooms, two full bathrooms, a large, eat-in kitchen, a dining room, and living room; if all goes as planned. It will be huge; not just in comparison to what they endure now, but to what anyone, here, has. It will have three livable levels, and it will be amazing. We cannot wait for it to be finished.

Until then, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.