Switching places

For the past several months, Ivan has been up at night, sleeping during the day, and I have been just the opposite.

Now, we have switched places; I am up all night, and sleeping during the day, while he is sleeping, again, at night.


It seems that just when we get close to sleeping at the same time, something comes along to mess with us. Even just a quick nap during the day is enough to send one, or both of us our the circadian sleep cycles.

Oh well. Some sleep is infinitely better than no sleep.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: we are going to restart masking when going outside again in the very near future; maybe even before you read this. Another strain of CoVid has hit Mexico, unsure if it’s already here in CDMX, but we’re not going to take any chances. Stay safe.