Day 351

We bought a foldable table, from Costco, a few weeks ago, which has since become my new office; pending the end of Phase three of the remodeling.

Phase three will begin sometime in the coming months; exactly when that happens will be completely determined by how quickly Phase two is finished. For now, however, it is what I need in order to keep up with the plants, bills, deliveries, recipes, etc. So busy, yet, all according to my schedule.

My temporary office. 😉

I have spent the last several hours trying to download more information on taking care of the jungle that was just delivered, but alas, I could not. The internet is so slow, again today, that, when I was able to download the information, it took about five minutes per plant. As we now have eighteen new plants, it was quite time consuming. However, I do not want anything to die because of my ignorance of their needs. Everything, now, is so beautiful, and lush, and, green.

One of the things I am doing is taking down, by hand, (remember, slow internet?), all of the information I will need in future, in bullet form, in my new little notebook. That way I will be able to refer to it easily, and quickly. For example; the botanical names of each plant, plus, the common names in English, and Spanish. When to water which plant? How much light does each plant need? When do I need to wipe off the large, dusty plant leaves to keep them shiny? How do I propagate this plant, or that one? Which ones need to be misted daily, and which need to dry out completely before watering again?

Soon, this afternoon actually, I will be able to have all of that information in my newest journal, that will also be delivered today, along with my new watering can. Wait until you see that.

This actually turned out to be about 4” x 6”, and fits nicely into the pocket of my apron.
It looks exactly like something I would use, does it not?

It is exactly what I wanted without even knowing it was what I wanted. Hammered copper, to match our copper vase, and copper carnitas kettles, and it will be here today, as well.

I have to say that I absolutely love being retired; having the time to devote to whatever I want, whenever I want, and for as long as I want. If I want to spend ten minutes dead heading my primroses, then I do. If I want to spend five minutes enjoying the rich, earthy smell of the freshly watered soil, in the flower boxes, I will. And, if I want to spend hours on the internet gathering the information I will need for the future of these beautiful plants in my care, then, I will that, too. And, I do. Multiple times every day.

While I wait, somewhat impatiently, for my journal, and watering can to arrive, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: have I mentioned that I have not had any hard alcohol since the twenty seventh of February? My mind is so clear, and my spirit so light, I feel I need to wear heavier shoes to keep my feet on the ground. I cannot remember ever feeling this wonderful. Ever. My joy for living is back in abundance. Amazing.