Day 77

It is torrential, this rain Wow. We have not had a storm like this since last spring. And that is saying something.

Some of the rain this past fall was hellacious, but we were not here, at home. We were at Juan’s house. Unfortunately, here, we have to close all of the windows, except in our bedroom as the rain will be absorbed by the blanket covering the window.

The air is fresh, and cool, and smells wonderful. The lightening is intermittent, and the the thunder cracking, and loud. If you have read any of my post you will know that I LOVE THUNDERSTORMS.

I appreciate that not everyone is of the same mind, and I accept their seeming inadequacies. 😉 Listening to the thunder, seeing the lightening, feeling the rain on your face….. priceless. Primal.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, stay home.