Changing bed linens


Let me first wish the happiest of birthdays, to my soulmate; and, to many, many more of the same. Thanks for your help in my life.

I am working my way around to the chore of changing both queen size beds of their linens. Not something I enjoy doing much, though the results are usually worth the time, and effort having been made.

Maybe, if I keep typing, they will magically change themselves. I believe in magic.

I do not mind the washing, drying, folding, or putting away of said linens; I just despise the removing of said linens from the beds. Why? I have absolutely no Earthly idea.

It is a quick thing to accomplish, to be sure. So, after all of the above, I am off to do the very thing. See you sometime later, alligator.

I have discovered why I dislike removing the sheets. It is because, usually, I have to do it myself. Today, however, Ivan helped me! What a difference when you can share the load. Again, a simple thing, but meaningful, as well.

He saw me bringing in the clean sheets, and, got up from his settee. I asked him, just out of curiosity, where he was going. He said he was going to help me.

I about fell over! But, help me he did, and, the deed was done in record time. In fact, it gave me the time, not to mention impetus, to clean around the head of the mattress; on the bed frame. Yikes.

The mattress is twelve inches high, with a two inch topper, so this whole area is almost completely covered. No one knew this was there; except me.

I knew it was there; I see it every time I change the sheets. Have I, really, ever felt compelled to clean it? Hell no! Who does? Now that Liz is helping us, however, I finally felt compelled to clean it. So, I did.

After removing, and replacing the lines on both beds, with Ivan’s help, this is what things look like.

From this…
To this. No big deal. Just clean.
From this…
To this. Getting ready for autumn.

However, after one completely changes the linens on two beds, one is left with a pile of linens, of which needs to be addressed.

While I am off, addressing said pile of bedding, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.