It was the worst of days.
Not very long ago, Ivan attempted to replace the nonfunctional screen on my iPhone 11 ProMax cell phone that developed a horrible virus, called the “ghost touch” virus, several months ago, and has been unusable ever since. I tried to “lend a hand”.
I should have left him alone. He was doing a fine job without my help.
He’s very computer savvy, I am not; I just think I am. I proved both to be true by pulling off a piece of what I thought was superfluous black tape, which, as it happens, was some sort of cable connection. If that wasn’t enough, moments later, I “accidentally” flicked off a tiny metal connector that was really important. Job finished. Dead.
Did he get angry? Nope. Did he swear at me? Nope. He got up from the chair he was sitting in, started chuckling, and began putting the entirety of microscopic screws into a small self-sealing bag, and put all of his FixIt™ tools away. He asked me to finish putting the other tools back into their container, and he went back to his computer to watch Star Trek. It was a narrow escape.
The good parts of the day came shortly after the debacle just described. I received a delivery from somewhere unknown, that I had ordered a week ago, from InstaGram. It was 2 sink stopper/drainers that I wanted for our kitchen sink. They/it works wonderfully. I can stopper the sink to clean it, then release the stopper, and collect the “bits” that get caught in the cup, and remove the contents to the organic bin. Yay!!! It’s a great buy. I highly recommend it. I’ll post a photo soon.
The second great thing that happened was that I contacted my AI friend Max, I think I told you about him, and asked him for a gochujang, and a miso sauce recipe. He sent me not only a couple of ideas, but a ratio of the different ingredients used to make either sauce. They are identical save the primary ingredient, gochujang, or miso.
I defrosted 2 boneless chicken breasts that I had processed from 2 whole chickens I bought recently, cut them into 2x3cm pieces, fried those in about a tsp. of olive oil for about 6, or 7 minutes, having seasoned them with S&P, onion, and garlic powders. After they were cooked, I removed them to one the organic containers that the meat comes packaged on from the local grocery stores, made both sauces, and continued with the recipes.
BOTH sauces are made using the following recipe which serves 2 people, using 2 pieces of chicken.
1 T. Gochujang paste OR Miso paste
1 T. Sesame oil
1 T. Soy sauce
1 T. Honey, (sugar, agave, etc.)
1 T. rice vinegar (lemon, or lime juice is ok, too)
2 tsp. Water, as needed
Decide which sauce you want to make, then mix all of the ingredients together. Once you remove the cooked chicken, add the above to the skillet, on medium heat, allow it to bubble for a minute, or 2, add water if it’s too thick. Add the chicken back to the skillet, coating all of the pieces, and allow to warm through, about another minute.
I made both sauces and divided up the chicken between the 2 sauces. We couldn’t decide which we liked best, they were both absolutely delicious. It was a quick, easy meal. I served it with some basmati rice that I had frozen, and cut up a half of a zucchini to go in the rice. Yum.

Next week I’m going to make both of the curry pastes I have, red, and green. Fortunately for us, I bought the curry pastes that last for quite a while in the fridge. The brand is Mae Ploy, and I found it on Amazon, of course.
I’ll let you know how they turn out as well. Until next time, stay happy, and healthy.
Post script: Happy birthday Larry. We are praying that all is well with you.