We’re going back

To the US Embassy.

It’s that time of year.

Every year at this time I have to let the SSA know that nothing has changed in my life; I am still alive, and I’m still living in the same place.

I receive the form every year, around the 6th of July, noting that it was sent the 6th of June, and have until the 6th of August to complete, and return, the form to Pennsylvania.


As we’ve not mailed anything, much, to the US, we have no idea how long it takes to get a letter of such significance delivered to the appropriate authorities. Therefore, we make our annual pilgrimage to the Embassy, handing the form directly to the Embassy representative at the entrance of the Embassy building.

Last year it cost us $280MXN, total, for the round trip, via taxi, so I’ll include the cost this year, round trip, as a comparison.

This time we asked the driver if he would wait, and return us to our apartment, and told him we would pay him a bit more if he could/would wait a moment. All I had to do was hand in the forms to someone at the gate at the entrance to the Embassy.

As the intelligent man he was, he drove around the block, Ivan in the back seat, and came back for me as promised.

I have to tell you, though, that from the moment I gave the young lady our papers, I felt several moments of fear, and abandonment.

I went back to where Ivan, and the driver said they would be waiting but

They were gone.

They weren’t there.

They weren’t over there, across the street.

They were no where.

Where were they?

The driver said “we” were to meet him the next block over, turn left, and we’ll meet on that corner.

When I was standing there, I felt confused; which way was the way I was supposed to go? This block? The block over there?

Ivan wouldn’t leave me here, alone. He wouldn’t do that.

Calm yourself.

Ivan won’t leave you. He/they will come around the block soon, and find you.

They aren’t here because the policía said they needed to move from the spot, where they left you off, so that’s what they did. They drove around the block.

I walked to the area where they dropped me off, and waited where they could see me.

Within minutes, we saw each other.

It took less than 30 minutes to get home.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: the taxi ride, with the wait, was, in reality, $158 MXN each direction; totaling $316MXN/$16.68USD. We parted ways having given him $400 MXN/$21 MXN. A good transaction done.

Oh, here we go

The building is moving in that horrible way it does just after all of my Apple products scream at me that there’s been an earthquake detected.

I don’t know if you remember me saying during prior quakes, but the movement of the building, from the onset to the final seconds, makes me so nauseous that I feel very close to vomiting.

As I do now, as I’m typing this.

The dogs in the buildings combined, are all howling, but everything else is dead silent.

Ok. It’s over. It’s done.

For now. Going back to what I was doing.

Have a great day!

True confession

I feel compelled to confess that, a few weeks ago, when buying our monthly groceries from Costco, I added a stray potato to one of our bags.

I did. I’m only marginally ashamed, but, there you have it.

The russet potatoes we have been receiving are huge. Nothing like we used to get in the States. Let me show you.

These potatoes are at least 6” long.

That is a salad plate, for sure, and you can also see the peeler. These 2 bags of potatoes are all like that.

In the bin, where the potatoes were being stored for sale, there were several stray, neglected, lonely potatoes, just sitting on top of the bags. I picked a few up, put them in bags that were obviously of less weight, and repositioned the plastic tie attempting to hold the bags closed.

After having done several of these, there was one left, so I put it in one of our bags, as compensation for all of someone else’s work I had just done.

Great rationalization, don’t you think?

The 2 bags are home with us, and I just made hamburgers, and fries with the one in the above photo. Believe me, it was big enough for both of us to be full.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: on one of the French chateau renovation channels I watch on YT, mom sent her 2 daughters to the US to visit family for a couple of weeks. Just before the flight from France, she, and her oldest daughter developed CoVid. They were both sick, in bed, for 10 days. Don’t give up your vigilance. It’s still out there, just waiting for the unsuspecting, and undisciplined.