So much has happened

The whole business with my iPhone didn’t do a thing.

I did a backup, complete system restore, and the ghost still lived.

Then, if that wasn’t enough, our electricity company cut our power at 1:00am the other morning. Our payment of $1032MXN wasn’t due until the following morning, but, oops, they cut our power early.

Why? Does it matter?

No electricity, no CPAP. No CPAP, no sleep. No electricity, no internet. No internet, well, that’s pretty much Hell on Earth.

So, I sat at my little desk, here in the living room, drinking my sugar-free RedBull, and typing this little post. We’ve been up since 06:30am, Ivan unable to do anything on his computer as he’s never downloaded anything, and me, unable to listen to my Audible books that I’ve downloaded over time on the iPhone that doesn’t work!!!!

Fortunately I downloaded several onto my iPad Pro, sometime in the past, and for whatever reason I have no idea. I’m just glad I did. I can still play some of my games, and listen to a couple of books.

When the business opens, away we’ll go.

Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.


We’ve had our refurbished KitchenAid stand mixer for about 10 years at this writing.

Over those years we’ve purchased several of the attachments that go with said stand mixer. Actually, some, well most are still in their original boxes. However, I found, recently, that I had put the grating attachment in the cabinet next to the fridge, but had forgotten all about it.

Last month, when we mad the multi-million dollar haul from the big box stores, we bought 2.5(ish) kilos each of mozzarella, and Gouda cheeses. I had a small package of Parmesan cheese in the fridge as well, and decided to grate all of them, but had no energy to do it using a box grater.

Out came the attachments, in went the cheeses, and here are the results. Easy peasy.


You may be able to tell by the colors, and consistencies, that the smaller container, top left, is the Gouda; Parm next to it, and Mozzarella on the bottom.

I’m thinking lots of Italian, or quesadillas are in our future.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Not sure

I’m not really sure what’s happening with my blog site here.

I have been getting upwards of 6 “new user registrations” to my site on a daily basis for over a month now. Today alone, I had 12 new users; 10 the day before, and 10 the day before that.

What is going on? How does anyone know about this site, and why would anyone that didn’t know me in my past life want to read about the silly antics I/we get up to?

The user names come across as encrypted, which is fine with me, but the email addresses come across as just that, their “supposed” email addresses.

Is this a scam? I don’t show that any of these names, associated with the addresses, are “following” me, as only one of my sisters, and 3 other people I don’t know, are the only 4 people who, somehow, come through my stats as “following” me.

I do have a few people, related, and not, that read my posts occasionally, as they contact me when something catches them a particular way, but they are not in my stats, as I just stated, as “followers”.

Why not? I have no clue. I don’t know if there’s something they need to do at their end to show in my stats, (which would be awesome), but I can’t help them. As I said, they contact me when they want, and I respond fairly quickly, (provided the internet is working above 144p, which isn’t guaranteed).

So, the mystery remains, and I am hopeful that, if any of these “new users” is interested in anything I post, they will contact me, and let me know what they think.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Then, there was bread

I told you I was back into bread baking.

The first loaf was awesome, we both said so. The second loaf looked amazing, not sure of the taste as yet.

First loaf. Soft, light texture, great taste.
Second loaf on the left, first on the right.

We haven’t tried the second loaf yet, but I don’t think he is going to like it much. It looks too wheaty. The one on the right looks more WonderBready, and that’s the only bread he really likes, or eats. Here that type of bread is called Pan Bimbo.

Good thing I like sandwiches, huh!?

Until next we meet, stay happy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: the second loaf was “ok”, nothing to write home about, and, as I had just started walking every day shortly after that loaf, it ended up like this.

Sorry this is so out of focus; don’t know why. Croutons before they’re croutons, then the final product.