We did a descent job of it as well, if I do say so.
So says Ivan, as well.
My hair is so thin, and fine that, even using a hair trimmer, it cuts quite unevenly. Very little of my hair gets caught in the blades, causing the unevenness.
That’s where Ivan’s help comes in. He spends 5 minutes, or so, whatever the needs are, to even things out where I can’t reach.
The top I like to leave “spiky”, so, if it’s not all the same length, well, that’s how I meant it to be. 😉
So, having saved us at least $200MXN, I’m going to sit down, and have a Coronita, a 210ml. Corona Extra. It has become our favorite beer down here. The more stout beers, the ones with lots of hops, etc., are for up North. Here, a lighter beer is better.
Hope all is well with you lovely folks.
Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.
I am going to attempt to get us out of credit card debt within the next 2 years.
This January, I began by decreasing the monthly payments I had been making in an attempt to have just a bit more cash on hand to purchase our groceries, make our local utility payments, plus the condo association fee. In the past, most of the above went on cards as it was easier to pay for the utilities online, instead of driving all over the community to make the payments in cash.
We are going to try the driving around part for the next 6 months for a couple of reasons.
1- I think it will be good for us to get out of the apartment a bit, see the sun, hear the birds, and remember that life is going on around us.
2- Making the payments in cash will allow me to tuck some “left overs” into a makeshift savings for us, here in the apartment; available as needed for emergencies.
3- The cards will not be needed as we will have the cash here at hand, so the payments will actually make a difference over time.
I will let you know, periodically, now it’s going, but I feel, in my heart, this is going to be a good thing for us. Wish us well.
Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.
I got to drive to the local Walmart Express the other night; just after finishing the fridge clean up.
Ivan handed me his keys, and told me he would be waiting for me at the garage entrance.
It’s been forever since I drove the car.
I love driving, and have for many years. I just don’t get to do it much down here as I have no license that says I can.
No problem.
Went to the store, came back, and had to park the blasted car. Down the narrow ramp to the reserved basement parking spaces, then into said teeny weeny, (seemedlike it), parking space.
It only took me about 5 minutes to get it to his specifications. But, I did it.
I told him it would only take me about 100 times to get it right on the first try. He laughed. I didn’t.
One day, in the future, I’m going to drive us to the nearest big box store, and get us home safely.
I’ll let you know when that happens.
Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.
I take extreme pleasure in watching videos on YouTube that have been filmed anywhere in Europe.
It doesn’t matter where in Europe, and it doesn’t have to be there, specifically. Really, they can be anywhere where there is beautiful scenery.
I take advantage of that by taking screenshots of something that I wouldn’t normally see, and saving them for my own use later; specifically making them into puzzles.
I have told you folks, before in a post, that I enjoy doing puzzles on my computer. The app that I use allows me to make my own puzzles from photos I have taken, and saved.
I love it. Not only do I get to see a part of the world I will, probably, never get to visit, but I get the opportunity to see that particular place for a couple of hours, as that’s how long it normally takes for me to finish a puzzle. Let me show you a few shots I’ve taken.
One would think this a silly photo, but I absolutely adore it. The creativity of people never ceases to amaze me. Photos like this bring a much welcomed smile to my face.
Here is a photo taken by a YouTuber on a train traveling through,
Damn it. I don’t remember where they went, but the videos they took were amazing. Look. (Maybe it’s the Alps?)
I think the above photo was taken somewhere in New Zealand, but, of course, do not quote me on that. Isn’t it spectacular?
Just one more, and I’ll stop. This photo is a mine that is still in operation somewhere in the world. I can’t remember where this one is either. Duh!
You get the idea. These photos make wonderful puzzles, and they didn’t cost me a penny.
Until next time, stay happy,healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.
It was time for my bi-millenial refrigerator clean out.
By now, you know that I absolutely hate cleaning; the fridge, the oven, the kitchen, the apartment as a whole, et.al.
But, I did it. I cleaned the fridge recently.
It was Leap Day, so, for that reason alone I guess, I had a sudden burst of energy that I hadn’t had for awhile.
I told Ivan, earlier in the day, that I was going to clean the fridge the following day; we were expecting a bit of perishables to arrive from Walmart the next day.
Then, all of a sudden, while listening to a ridiculous book from Audible.com., I went into the kitchen, opened the fridge doors, and decided, right then, and there, to get to it.
That was 5:30pm. By 8:30pm I was done. Finished. Finito, Benito Juarez. (Sorry. I always say it like that, and have for years.)
I am unbelievably ashamed to show you the “before” photos, but I am going to. Please understand that the yuck was due to having different products defrosting in the fridge without being put into a container to catch the yuck.
That said, here is the transformation, once again.
These two were stuck so hard to the shelf that I had to remove the shelf, with them attached, and put them under running water to disengage. I think you can see here how far into the kitchen I have to pull the fridge in order to remove the interior shelving. At the bottom of the fridge, when all of the drawers had been removed. I discovered the last time I cleaned these bins, how to remove the accent pieces that always get yuck on them as well. Rebuilding the beauty.The end result.
So, I’m done with this for another few hundred years (days), and am not sorry for the time spent. I was able to get rid of quite a bit of inedible produce, and cheese, and have a better idea what we have, and where it is.
The moral to this post is to put ALL defrosting items in a plastic container. DUH!!!
Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.