We caved

We did.

On the evening of the new year, we did it.

We plugged in the space heater, and have been running it, in our bedroom, ever since.

On low!!!

To have that little bit of warmth, when the temperature inside, and out, begins at 7ºC, in the morning, rising to about 20ºC by midday, is bliss.

I do enjoy being a bit chilled, as I have mentioned in the past, but cold to the bone, for days on end, well, now that I’ve had a taste of warmth, there’s no going back.

My hands are still quite cold, but the rest of me is in Heavenly warmth. Thank you DeLonghi!!

Hoping everyone had a pleasant holiday season, and you are starting the new year as you mean to go on.

We are. Trying, anyway.

Ivan is a bit better these days; his cough is not quite so liquid, and his head isn’t quite so full of snot, so, progress. Me? Well, I’m me. Enough said.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves from whatever is coming.



While not based on actual historical events by any stretch of the imagination, it is quite the production.

Amazingly, I had just finished listening to the first 4 Bridgerton books, written by one of my favorite authors, Julia Quinn. I cannot go any further, at present, even using the VPN because the rest of the series is not available in my “region, or country”. So, what is the purpose of the VPN, if I can’t pretend to be elsewhere in the world?

I digress.

The Netflix production of Bridgerton is equally as good as the books, honestly. And the prequel, Queen Charlotte, by the reviews, is supposed to be even better. I have just started watching it, and it has brought a big smile to my heart, seeing how all of the characters, so familiar from the main books/series, have come to be, I can’t wait to continue.

Unless you flunked out of school at the age of 10, you will know that all of the “ton”, the royals of England, well Europe, generally speaking, were, for the most part, all caucasians. In the tv series, they are anything but.

Queen Charlotte, (who, in reality, was the former Princess Sophia Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Germany,) is African, as are most of her court; African, and Asian, mostly.

There are representatives of just about every race included, and the “court” have all decided, (Charlotte is there to marry her son, King George III of England. This is the King George that, historians believe, was mentally ill, though with what, no one can be sure.) that everyone will be included in the ton, and everyone will be equal. They call it the Great Experiment.

Quite a bit of the music is actually contemporary, made to sound mid 18th century. In fact, if you are able to enable subtitles, you should be told the song being played.

One true fact is that the real King George, and Queen Charlotte did, indeed, have 15 children!! They are said to have a love affair for the ages. How cool is that?

Bridgerton was well done, and, so far, it appears that Queen Charlotte is as well. Warning: remember that Netflix is explicit in some depictions of intimacy. It’s definitely not for children. Thought I’d mention that.

Watch it, read it, listen to it, enjoy it. Let me know what you think. Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: enjoy Queen Charlottes wigs. Each one is bigger, and more beautiful than the next. They are phenomenal!!!! Equally beautiful, and huge in both series.