
One day, at least 20 years ago, Ivan came home, happy, excited, all smiles, with 2 dozens gorgeous red roses.

They smelled amazing; like roses should smell.

My first thought was

You have got to be kidding. Oh, my God.

What the hell did you do?

You need to understand that neither of us are Hallmark™ people; we haven’t, and still don’t give each other cards of any kind, and he certainly had never given me flowers.

All I ever understood about cards, flowers, and/or chocolates was that they were given to the significant other for reasons of an apology for some assumed, or real indiscretion/wrongdoing.

Little did I know, until several minutes, and a torrid converation later that these amazing roses

were bought to help raise money for one of his coworkers beneficent causes.

Well. Didn’t I feel stupid.

It took some time to appease Ivan’s anger at having his honor maligned, but I did it. He was appeased. We made our feelings known, and we went on to another chapter of our marriage.

Before you place judgement on your spouse, know the facts.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves. Repeat.

Post script: he only brought home roses in the fall, when his coworker needed the sales for his cause. We enjoyed every minute that they lasted, together.