The steam cleaner

Not the miracle I had hoped for.

But not bad.

I guess my expectations are too high these days.

It cleaned the stovetop, the grill on the stovetop, and the kitchen sink amazingly well. The filters on the exhaust fan, not so much. I should have taken pictures.

It melted the grease on the top side, only to have it congeal on the back side. Yuck!!!

I ended up using my tried, and true method of filter cleaning by putting my large sheet pan in the kitchen sink, adding about a teaspoon of Dawn dish washing liquid, and 2L of boiling hot water from my electric kettle.

I let that sit for about 15 minutes, (otherwise it burns my hands), then used a scrub brush to easily brush off the grease. Rinsed with water, and back up it went.

The steam cleaner has its purposes, I’m sure. I just haven’t found out what they are just yet. Though, I must say, being able to lift off the grate on top of the stove, and not have a greasy mess on my hand is a win.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: having used the steamer on the stove grates, it made me realize that almost all of the small, black rubber tips that protect the stove from the grate tops are gone. Time to order replacements.

Biden for President 2024


Do you people not watch the REAL news?

Do you not see the instability of the United States amongst other 2nd, and 3rd world countries? Everyone else does.

Open your eyes, and more importantly your minds. Get away from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and those like it.

Our president is demented. He is unable to do


Please, watch real information stations on YT; Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles, Jeremy Boreing, Tucker Carlson, Megan Kelly, Glenn Beck, the Hodge Twins, Candace Owens, Dan Bongino, Mark Levin, Forbes Breaking News, The Daily Wire, The Rubin Report, One America News, Blaze TV, Real News Network, PragerU, just to name a few.

Listen to another point of view. Please.

Several years ago, not long before the 2016 elections, I asked Ivan to show me somewhere that I could go to to listen to the truth of what was happening in our country. I just couldn’t believe what I was reading in our local newspaper, or hearing on the nightly news. I was so tired of listening to the MSM, (mainstream media), and all of the crap they were spewing, that I had just about given up on the country that I loved.

I needed to find someone that would be honest about what was happening.

I found it, only with Ivan’s help. He had been watching, and listening to all of the folks I mentioned above, for about 2 years. Well spit. Why didn’t he tell me about them sooner?

He had; I just didn’t want to listen to him.

I do now. It is so easy to see what’s really happening, watching any of them that now, it makes me sad.

We say to each other, frequently, that we are so glad we moved here when we did. By now, if still in the US, we’d be bankrupt; we’d have lost our home, and our cars. I cringe thinking about it. I don’t know how the rest of you are getting by, but I hope, and pray that you are.

Open your minds to different ideas, and vote accordingly. I don’t think you honestly believe JB can make it through another 4 years in the presidency. He is barely able to make it today.

It’s all up to you folks. We get to vote, here at my favorite embassy, and we will. Remember, too, that if you don’t vote, you have no opinion of what happens. It is a privilege to be able to vote, and an honor, and, I think, a duty; not everyone in the world is allowed to do so. Use it wisely.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

I just want

To sleep.

Just a few hours each night would be gravy. I can’t even do that.

Not sure what the problem is but it is really annoying. I get sleepy about 10:30pm., lie down for an hour, then I’m back up, walking the floor of the apartment. Did I sleep? No. Did I nap? No.

It’s been 2 consecutive nights without sleep, so tonight, I’m going to take some Benadryl. I can’t go another night without sleep. I’m a dead head, and I hate that.

I’ll sleep for a bit this afternoon, but that’s no good either. It messes up my whole day.

So, I’m up, it’s almost 7am, and I’m having a cup of coffee. Strangely, lately, I can have a cup of coffee, or a can of RedBull™, and go to sleep for a few hours.

I’ll let you know if it works. Until then,

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: I went back to bed shortly after scheduling this post, and slept for 3 1/2 hours. Not bad, not great. At least I slept.

Post post script: to make matters worse, I got up about 12:30pm, had a big bowl of soup, then lied down, again, and got up again at 3pm. Yikes. Probably why I can’t sleep at night.

A good visualization of the cause of my sleeplessness.

So far,

So good.

Noom is the vehicle for which I have needed all of these years. Is it a miracle fix for weight loss? For me, yes.

It is teaching me the psychology of making the proper choices when preparing a meal, or going shopping for groceries. It is teaching me that you don’t have to give up all of the foods you enjoy, but how to better intigrate the calories you consume.

It is also motivating me to walk the steps, ride my bike, walk in the park, but if I don’t do that today, there’s tomorrow.

As of this morning, I have lost 1.8k. The wonderful thing is is that I feel so motivated since starting this program. I am not going to call it a diet because from what I have read so far, and it’s been quite a bit, it is going to be a new way of life for us, through me.

Ivan doesn’t need to lose weight, he did that a year, or so ago, and looks fine. But me, well, you’ve read my story, so you know. This doesn’t feel difficult, in fact, reading through some of the hundreds of recipes they provide, it seems like a few simple adjustments to our food choices should do the trick.

I will definitely give you a weekly update, though, if you’re not interested in following this part of my journey, that’s ok. I will make it simple by posting it as an update, and you can skip it. Until then, however,

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves. Always a good practice even without CoVid. There’s always another virus out there, waiting for one to become complacent.

Only here

We have the neatest option when cleaning the toilets, or showers in our bathrooms, or the floor in the laundry area.


The floor of our bathroom after cleaning the toilet, then dowsing it with water, and letting it drain, and dry. The cute little daisy is to cover said drain when not in use.
The floor of the guest bathroom before I washed the toilet, let it drain, then dry. You get the idea.

We also have a drain in the laundry area, now under the dryer. There used to be a scrub sink there that used the drain, but we took the sink out, replacing it with the washer, and dryer; a better option for us.

Now I don’t have so spend so much time bent over, scrubbing pee off the toilet base, and floor. A quick spray of whatever cleaner I’m using currently, let it sit for a few minutes, come back, and rinse the entire toilet with a bucket of water.

Oh, by the time you read this, the above may have already become obsolete. We are waiting for the delivery of a portable, hand held steam cleaner that will allow us (read me) to steam clean just about anything, killing germs as we (I) go. We can’t wait.

First up, the bathrooms, obviously. Second, the kitchen; going to even try it on the small Smart Oven by Breville, that we have which is full of grease. I have tried baking soda, Dawn, you name it, to no real difference. We figure steam ought to do the trick. I’ll let you know.

Until all of that happens, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: Mexico has officially declared we no longer have to wear masks inside buildings. Yay. I hope.

Post post script: tomorrow, the21st., Ivan, and I are celebrating our 47th. wedding anniversary. Yay. Only 28 more to go. That will make me 96 years old, and Ivan, 98. 😉

Earth Breeze™

I found these on Instagram, and bought about a zillion of them, hoping that they will be the answer.

The answer to what you ask?

Our inability to get away from UN-RECYCLEABLE PLASTIC BOTTLES!!!

And, to have clean laundry.

As you can see, there are 30 sheets per package, so for us, doing laundry biweekly, we can use these until we’re dead. 🙂

There are 30 ecological, clean, laundry detergent sheets that come in a paper/paper board container, and will do 60 half loads, or medium loads for those of us that do small amounts of laundry, 30 large loads, using one full sheet, or 45 really big loads, using 1 1/2 sheets.

I haven’t tried them yet because of the Anheuser-Busch boycott. I’m so upset. 😉

Yah, no.

I haven’t tried them because I haven’t moved the crap from the top of the washing machine to the space I still need to make in the pantry so I can OPEN the washer lid. What a shame that I can’t do laundry today. Hahahahaha

When I do, I will let you know how well they clean our clothes. You need to understand that we don’t do anything that really makes our clothes dirty, so apply a grain of salt to upcoming detergent review.

Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.


This is the last app I’m going to try in order to help me lose weight, and get back to living.

Wish me luck.

For reference, as much as I hate to display this to you, I’m starting at 154.5 cm tall, and 86 kg weight. Ugh!!! I obviously will not be getting any taller, but hope to get down to 63-65 kg. Again, please give me just a bit of encouragement, now, and then. I’m a mental mutant.

I will keep posting my results, good, and/or bad, because I need to be held accountable to all of you. I am committing myself to the loss of 20+ kilos by the end of the year.

I will just have started when you read this, and have no idea how it will go but they promise to be really committed to helping me stay on track to accomplish my goals, and get back to living.

Quite a bit of this weight loss system is the psychology of eating, and why we eat what we do. As I am a fan of psychology, I am going to do my best to get back to eating, and, more importantly, exercising, especially walking, so I can get back the health I have given up with the incarceration due to CoVid restrictions.

We were sedate for so long that I can’t even walk around the park anymore without terrible low back pain. I walk around the grocery stores grunting, and groaning like an older woman. I’m close to 68 but feel 88. Not good. I want to feel 58 again.

Let’s get me started.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.


We have found the ultimate butter brand.


I had been making butter from whipping cream for about 4 months. That was until we discovered the Aguascalientes brand of everything dairy.

The butter is almost white, it is so pure. The crema, (cream), is also so white, and smooth. The taste of each is superlative. (Isn’t that a wonderful word?)

Bonus: we can buy them online at Mercado Libre. We found them in a store but can’t remember which one it was. Duh!!!

As I have been watching so many videos on YT about Mexican cooking, and so many of the cooks use squirt bottles, it seemed to me to be the way to go.

So I did.

The two different salsas I make, green, and red, obviously, the two bottles on the left, while the two different cremas, media crema, (half & half), and full crema, are on the right, respectively.

I put the salsas, and cremas on just about everything we eat, now that they are all so easy to access. I can’t tell you the difference it makes in the flavor of the meal. I will also mention, quietly, how much more fun it is to squirt them, easily, from bottles as opposed to scraping them out of containers!

I found out the other day that the media crema acts, and tastes very much like the real crema, but has a slightly different texture to it. These subtle differences make very little difference in the flavor of what you are eating.

Our commonly used oils- avocado, olive, and grape seed.

If this gives you a push to put commonly used oils, salsas, cremas into squeeze bottles, good on you. They are a convenience I highly recommend.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.


What the heck is going on in the US?

Think what you want about trans people; you have to come to terms with that on your own.

But stop shoving it down my throat.

I don’t accept that a transgender female is allowed to compete with biological females, win a competition, be praised, and made famous for it. That is absolutely ludicrous. Women need to stop accepting this kind of treatment. Boycott, petition, do whatever needs to be done to stop this insanity. Transgender females are NOT females. Period. They are men that, supposedly, think like females.

Also, stop trying to force me to think that the exposure of innocent children to the depravity of adults trying to indoctrinate said innocents to their way of “life”, or the mutilation, and death of children succumbing to sex change operations, is ok with me.

It’s not. It sickens me.

Are we, or really, am I going to do anything about this?

What can I do? There are only a very few things that I can do from here. This blog post is one that I hope is beneficial, and a boycott of AB products.

Normally I back down from controversial things like this, I keep my thoughts to myself, but, with this, affecting the next generation of children in the world, it has to stop.

Children cannot be exposed to such as this in their formative years. They are called the formative years for a reason. They are easily led this way, or that way, dependent on the person/people of influence in their lives.

If someone wants to make a child something it’s not, they only need to gain that child’s trust, and keep gently persuading them that they should think a certain way.

Don’t believe me? Watch a couple of episodes of NYPD: Special Victims Unit. That will really open your eyes, not in a pleasant way, to what is happening to innocents when left to believe what influencers are telling them.

Please, let them grow up to make their own choices, good or bad, right or wrong, by what they’ve learned in a, hopefully, loving, stable, family/social environment.

Now, about AB, and that mess. You will be happy to know that I am now able to drink Bohemia Clásica™, a wonderful beer, almost as good as my favorite AB owned Pacifico™. Bummer.

I hope you will take what I have said here as my feelings on the subject. They don’t have to be yours, but it would be nice if some of them were.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Give what I have said here some thought, one way, or the other. Act accordingly.

Post script: the quote the other day was from a Three Stooges show called Niagara Falls. When a certain individual heard that phrase, having been hypnotized to act on that specific phrase, tried to murder anyone close to them. 🙂

Little by little

Slowly I turned. Step by step. Inch by inch. *See note.*

Sorry. I couldn’t help myself, once I got it in my head.

Recently, I have been rearranging our apartment, now that we have, once again, an another entire bedroom, a full bathroom, and a covered storage unit, (on the roof), in which to occupy.

When we lived in Iowa, we had a 4 bedroom home, 1 1/2 bathrooms on 2 levels, plus a full basement. Here, we have a large, luxury apartment, (by CDMX standards); 1 level with 3 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, and 240 mt. sq.

We have added tons of storage by means of the overhead sliding door cabinets in the 2 main bedrooms, 4 new dressers, as well as utilizing the 3rd bathroom, meant for the maid that we don’t, (yet), employ. (Score!)

Now that J&L are upstairs, again, in their apartment, we have the 2 dressers in that bedroom, plus the 3 dressers in the guest bedroom. (Ivan requires 2 dressers, one which is completely empty, for all of his clothes). Not.

Anyway, I have been finding ways to move things, from totes in the living room, like our bedding, into the 2nd bedroom dressers; our blankets, and duvets into the overhead cabinet in the same bedroom; our bath towels, wash clothes, and hand towels in our sliding door overhead cabinets as you come into our bedroom. The more things I move the more ideas I have of where to put this, or that so it is more convenient for usage. Yeah!!!

I am just getting started on the kitchen; moving things from here, (where mi amor put them), to the pantry, where I need them. Not everything needs to be in either place.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

*Note: any idea from whence this quote comes?

I’ll tell you in the next post. Love you. Bye bye.

Post script: Happy 46th!!!!!! birthday to our daughter Elisha. Many, many more.