Hydrochlorothiazide. A mild, Potassium sparing diuretic.
Ivan takes 25mg, I take 50-75mg. That’s daily.
When we were in the States, it cost us about $120 for 60 tablets, but now, with the ability to purchase these on line, we pay $5 for those same 60 tablets. Yay for us.
Plus, they are delivered to our door. Doesn’t get better than that.
The other day, we got 18 bottles of 20 tablets, for $100 MXN/3 bottles. That’s about $5 for 60 tablets. Yay!!!
We have enough for now, and won’t need to order again until probably mid summer. Good enough for us.
Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.
He is so cute, so small, so colorful. He doesn’t eat much, doesn’t poop all over, or bark.
This is our new chihuahua; what do you think?
We’re trying to decide on a name for him, but are undecided. I like Pedro, Pascual, or perhaps, since he’s so small, Fernando. He hasn’t agreed to anything, so I’ll keep you in the loop. I’m sure you’re going to be waiting on pins, and needles to know.
If you think of a name that is not goofy, (or Pluto 😉 let me know. Until then,
Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.
This little gadget has become indispensable in our kitchen of late. I use it to remove the hot bowl of instant oatmeal from the microwave for Ivan; to remove a half sheet pan of buffalo wings from the Smart oven. We tried a different style, but this one works the best.
It feels so secure in my hand that I can move whatever I’m picking up with ease. The other ones we had were a bit smaller, and not spring loaded; I think that is the difference- the spring. This one, also, has the little locking mechanism so it stays shut in the drawer.
Just thought you might not have known about these, but that it might come in handy for you too.
Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.
We all have at least one, don’t we? My most recent, but least offensive is
Château renovations.
Seriously, I am obsessed with a few of the château owners on YouTube. There is one couple, Anna, and Philipp, on How to Renovate a Château (without killing your partner), that are hysterical. He has the best sense of humor of any of the owners.
Ok, so, these folks, from all over the world, move to France to buy, then renovate, not remodel, their château’s. Some are as old as the 16th century, and have 40+ rooms, but most are from the 17th, and 18th centuries.
There is one that I follow whose new purchase has 8 bedrooms. Yikes. Who wants to clean, and change bedding in 8 bedrooms? I have a hard enough time with one.
Update: no, I haven’t really started my Keto diet yet; I’m pacing myself. Besides, I have to get organized. I certainly don’t want to start off half cocked, willy nilly, and get it wrong. Slow, and steady wins the race.
I’m still looking for the track.
Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves. We are, for the most part, mask free down here, and have been for several months. Yet, when we leave a store, get in the car, out comes the hand sanitizer. Don’t become compliant.
We got another one the day before yesterday from our favorite youngest sister, Mayra. Thanks doesn’t cut it. Look at what we received.
First, let me say that she had originally sent all of these in 2 boxes. The folks at Estafeta, the shipping company, decided to put them all into 1 very heavy, 52 lbs. box. That would have been fine except that the night before, we lost our power in certain parts of the apartment, which also included the elevator. You should have seen us lugging this behemoth up 2 flights of stairs. It was pathetic. Golly we’re getting old.
Our 3 favorite pickled veg.
Mind you, we bought all of these things because we can’t get them here; well, certainly not at the cost we can get them from the US. I will have to see if the shipping charge, and her time, is worth the cost of having them shipped here. I hope so.
Yes, there is a plethora of candles, 23 actually. I bought them, actually, to have them for the fall, and winter; even as Christmas presents. Things conspired, however, to delay their shipment, (we kept buying stuff,) so we didn’t get them until just. There’s always Easter.
Bisquick, in the size box you see, costs about $390MXN, or $20USD. Would you want to pay $20 for a small box of Bisquick? Oh. Maybe, with this new administration you are paying that much.
We try not to look, too often, at the cost of the items we need; it can make cooking, then eating said items difficult. The cost of things, here, is getting difficult, as it is said to be in the US. We have to eat, shower, wash our clothes, so we do what we must.
Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.
We went “fishing” the other day, not to catch the fish, but to buy freshly caught fish.
We didn’t have to drive far, either, only 6 kilometers, but it took us almost 30 minutes; it was Sunday afternoon. Duh! We decided midweek would be best next visit. 😉
The place we went to is a wholesale fish market, and let me tell you, they had so many different types of fish that we had never seen, it was amazing.
Here’s one for you. This little guy, (and his friend, we bought 2), has been cleaned, and is ready to cook. Here, he’s called a Mojarra, (mow-HA-rrah), though he’s more commonly known as a
Pay particular attention now, because this is important; it comes complete with about a gazillion bones. We pan seared this one, wrapped in aluminum foil, having been marinated overnight with citrus juices, onions, and salt. It was delicious, but very difficult to eat with all of the bones. We’ll buy it frozen from Costco next time. His friend is residing in the freezer.
We bought a kilo of head-on shrimp that had been harvested from the Gulf the day before. They are going in the freezer for now as well.
This is just one kiosk, full with its rewards for our drive, but there are over 100 similar kiosks in the marketplace. Each is up against the next, or perhaps, has a two foot space for shoppers like us.
Next time we go, I think we’ll ask them to debone the mojarra, like the fish above, before we bring them home. The above photo is not of mojarra but Nayarit, a fish similar to a red snapper, or Huachinango, hwah-chee-NAN-go. You can see them in the second photo. They are scrumpdeliicious.
As soon as we were within a block of the market, we could smell the fish. It was just like when we went to a bay, East of Houston, TX, I can’t remember the name of it, and bought shrimp at a similar market. Here, however, the smell transported us to the bay, hundreds of kilometers from us.
The fish were fresh, you could tell by the clarity of their eyes, and the few kiosks we went to were quite clean. The fish is kept on ice, and, as the ice melted, it was brushed onto the floor, and fresh ice applied. Also, when the fresh ice was placed, the fish were flipped onto their other sides, keeping them cold throughout.
We have decided to go at least monthly to the market, possibly bimonthly. The prospect of having fresh fish on a monthly basis is exciting.
Now, if we could get beef as easily, and as tasty, we’d be in Heaven. Alas, it’s only Mexico; but it’s close.
Until we get beef like we had in the US, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.
PS: happy belated birthday to my favorite S-I-L, Mayra. Thanks, again, for the CARE package.
PSS: it was reported on the local news that another variant of CoVid19 is sweeping through Mexico. We’ll be vigilant.