She’s back


She is Jesús’s mom, who just got home from visiting her oldest son, Ramón, who lives in Cuernavaca, with his family, about an hour and, a half south of Mexico City.

She is the matriarch, not to mention the heart of this family. Everyone is happy to have her here, safe, and sound. Now the end-of-year holiday can really begin.

I’ll keep you posted of the going’s on. Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

A quick follow up: it’s 1:51am, and there’s no sign that anyone is going to bed anytime soon. We, however have been in our room for about 30 minutes, after visiting Liz’ parents, her brother , and his significant other, just after midnight.

We have hugged, and kissed, everyone, (on their cheek, of course), and wished all a prosperous new year.

The music is still playing at a huge decibel number, so, instead of getting upset, as I used to do, we have another drink, and let the night pass as it will.

It will.


At the moment, several very relaxed family members are singing, at the top of their lungs, in the street, in front of the house. Too funny.

We have decided there is absolutely no point in trying to sleep so we’re both on our computers, watching whatever comes our way. I am using my iPhone to update this post. 🥳🎉🎊🥂🪅🍾

Happiness, health, and security to all.

Second follow up: it’s now 2:30am without any change. Am looking forward to the end of the night. Hopefully we will be able to get some sleep in a bit. I’m going to bed at 3am. 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🛏️🛏️🛏️

Need I say more?
Ok. To bed at 3:30am. ???????😱😱😱😱
4:00am, and that’s it!!!!
Aldo and Angel watching one of our favorites.

The music is back. 🥱🥱😩😂😩😂🥱😩😂🥱

Is there an end to this? We’re older, and can’t stay awake much longer. Even the babies want it quiet. Two are crying as I type this.

5:00am, and I’m putting my deaf ear up, towards the ceiling. Hoping for the best. 😩😩

I’m going to make everyone of them eat Bacalao tomorrow 😡😡😡🤬🤬 Actually, later. 😡