As I said the other day, I think, I have finally gotten to see both seasons of The Mandalorian, on Disney+.
This character has become a worldwide phenomenon. Grogu is his name, and he is of the same species as Yoda. Point of fact, many don’t remember his name, so he has become “Baby Yoda” the world over.
I wasn’t able to take a screen shot of him, as I had wished, so I took the photo of him from my iPad to my phone.

Isn’t he just the cutest little thing? Doesn’t he make you smile?
He’s as cute as our Brandon; the best I can recall anyway.
Liz is still not completely better yet, after her grandfather’s funeral. She has been with a stuffy, runny nose, sore throat, and now with blisters on her lip. I’m diagnosing the blisters as Herpes simplex. Not unusual after such an illness; it, too, is a virus. Hoping she is better soon.
We are, hopefully, going to the bank, and then to Costco, and Walmart. We are in desperate need of groceries. Actually, you won’t believe this, but the freezer bottom, is quite desolate. I decided this evening that I am going to bring all of the frozen fruit, and veg down to the bottom of the freezer, and put the meat that we will be buying, on the top shelf. Hopefully, that will allow me to be able to see what we have frozen, and use it more efficiently. Wish me luck.
I am feeling loads better; better than this time last week, for sure. Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.