Back to potatoes

We have eaten almost the entire bag of Russet potatoes; no joke.

Once we got started, it has been difficult to ignore. I make sure we have an ample supply of bacon at the ready, with at least one package cooked, and in the fridge.

We have been putting butter, S&P, bacon, and 5% Fage yogurt on them. Well, I do. El jéfe only likes the first 2 items; minimalist at heart. Oh, I have also been putting a slice of Havarti cheese before the yogurt.

Mind you, these are not the cream of the crops harvested in the US. These are 2nd’s, or even 3rd’s. They are small, and most have cuts through them, or bad spots on them. But, WHO CARES? Not us, certainly. We are just glad to have them here.

I have been making 3 or 4 per “batch” in the Smart oven, so, when I get hungry, and don’t want to make any thing major, I just put one back in the oven, for about 10 minutes, and load it as listed above.

Not much happening here, hence the lack of posts. Sorry, but I am not going to post about nothing.

We are both well; the forever house is coming along nicely, so, hopefully, within the next year, or two, we will move there. It will take as long as it takes.

We shouldn’t have much trouble selling the apartment as the apartment 2 floors above us sold recently for a bit more than we paid for this one, and that was before they renovated it. Wish us luck.

Brandon is growing, as you can imagine. He, and Gabi are such treasures to have in our lives. Watching them grow, and helping out where we can, means the world to us.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.