
Sure wish I could.

Sleep, that is.

As we are no longer anesthetizing ourselves with Brandy, I am no longer able to sleep; not until about 4:30am. And that is getting really old.

I have tried Benadryl, in varying amounts, but to no avail. I guess I’ll sleep when I can’t stay awake any longer.

My brain just won’t be still. I think of the groceries that need buying, in order to make all of the lovely dishes I have seen being prepared by others in YT videos. Then, there’s the bills that need to be paid; have I checked them for the 59th time yet? Oh, how about the ideas that I want to post?

I have made an unexceptional batch of Kombucha recently. I believe I waited too long, and now it is a bit sour. I hate when I do that. But, oh well.

Going to go to the grocery store later today. Did I put _____ on the list? Should I get up and put it on the list now? Probably not. I should be sleeping.

But I’m not.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.

I’m going to have a cup of coffee.

Gas prices

What can I say really?

That %^#$ is expensive.

You folks are paying, on average, $4.85/gallon. Here, we just had a price increase for premium, (92 octane) to $24 pesos/liter. As there are approximately 4.25L/gal, that roughly comes out to be $5.03/gallon.

Here’s a thought for you; our BMW has an 85L capacity, if not full full. You know what I mean; don’t stop filling the tank until you can’t put anything else inside. Right? Then, it’s closer to 87L.

Those 85L, or 19 gallons, cost $24 pesos/liter, or $2040 for a full tank. That equates to about $101 dollars per tank. That said, we fill up after using 1/4 tank, roughly $500 pesos, or $25. Much easier to come up with than $2050 pesos, or $110. Yikes. We have bills to pay, groceries to buy. You know the drill.

The Mercedes Benz, has a 70L tank, 15 gallons, or $1680 for a minimal tank fill, or $85 for a real fill.

We use only the Benz in town. The BMW only leaves the garage for distance driving; when we can get the most mileage out of the vehicle.

Nevertheless, we aren’t going to go to Costco very often; it’s a 22 km. drive, round trip. Really, though, we only go monthly, now that we are only supporting ourselves, and Los Garcias. We spend approximately $250 – $300 monthly, depending on if we need paper products, meds, that expensive stuff.

That said, everything is becoming expensive, but paper products such as diapers, wipes, paper towels, toilet paper, dinner napkins, all of these just about cause me to fill out an application to work at Costco; just to get some sort of discount.

Not really. If I ever have to work again, it will be too soon. In my dreams I have become an imbecile; as if I have never worked a day in my life as a nurse. (Actually, most of them need my prior expertise to get whatever the horrid job is, done. Yay me. Not very restful, however.)

As far as gas prices go, write to your Congress person, and have them tell the President to stop blaming Russia for the horrible inflation you are experiencing. Tell that individual, or individuals, that he can change all of that by working with Congress to increase oil, and gas production in the US. They’re all there; he just has to sanction the retrieval of both. Job done.

Until you find the courage to do this, and I know you can, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.


I went into the bathroom across the hall this morning, to make sure everything was clean, sink, toilet, shower, garbage emptied; you know the shpiel.

Much to my surprise, then dismay, I saw this.

You can see the tiny bubbles in the ceiling. They are all over, even over the shower area. That’s water, under the plaster.
This is closer to the shower area. Yikes. This all used to be pristine; completely flat; completely resurface with the renovation.
After a mere touch to the ceiling, this occurred.

No one has “insurance” on their apartments; who could afford it? We know a guy, who knows a guy, that does plaster work, and will get an estimate for his services. We will “share” this information with our “neighbor”, and ask that they pay a part of the expense. Hopefully, it does not require removing, and replacing the tiles on the wall. That may get expensive. Whatever the cost, they just had their bathroom renovated, so the burden is on them. (Thank you Jesus.)

Needless to say, our neighbor, shut off the water to the toilet in their bathroom, the one above ours, and the trickle stopped. Now, the negotiations begin.

How will it end? Tune in, and see for yourselves.

Until then, may the Force be with you. And yours, of course.

You know what to do to keep yourselves happy, healthy, and safe.

Do it.

All of it.

Plus, whatever you feel is necessary.


It’s time for a Brandon update, so, get ready.

He’s a real treat.

He is developing the beginnings of a real personality. See if you don’t agree.

Last week

He knows our voices, both Ivan’s, and mine. He even smiles, usually, when he hears us speaking to him. I try to speak to him in English, so he can become comfortable with it, and know it’s me. He reaches up his hand, for whatever reason, who knows? More importantly, who cares? We bend down the inch, or two required, and kiss it until he moves it away again.

He is growing so quickly, right in front of our eyes. We are so privileged to be witness to it, it almost brings tears to our eyes.

It has been many years since we were around a baby, so it is like a semi-new experience. (I hope that makes sense). Anyway, here are some photos of him, just this evening, watching soccer, (football), on the TV with his daddy.

The Jedi Master, and his second Padawan.

Going to go back to Los Altos sometime in the next few weeks, hopefully. I will have some things to tell you then. As for now, boredom is a terrible thing.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.

Even Dr Fauci has symptomatic CoVid after his initial injection, and the 3 boosters. What does this tell you people? It is/was NOT a vaccine. Vaccines are supposed to last almost a whole lifetime. Research.



It has been hailing for the past 5 minutes. No kidding. Here; let me show you.

The white stuff is hail.

We haven’t had hail for almost 6 months. It dropped the temperature by about 6º – 8º in about 5 minutes. Lovely.

It is now 66ºF, down from 74ºF. Yeah!!! It won’t last long; it can’t. I want it cool, and to stay cool for the next 6-8 months. It won’t. It can’t. It is summer here; up North too. Yuck.

Not my favorite months; not without a swimming pool. We used to have a good sized pool, above ground. It was 4 1/2 deep x 15ft wide; it had a saltwater filter, plastic cover, and a bubble cover solar heater. It was amazing. It was great. It was such fun when the heat was unbearable. We, or I, swam,and relaxed in the pool almost every evening during the summer for as many years that we had it. I miss it immensely.

The only other thing I have really wanted was to wake up to see mountains on the horizon. If, and when we ever move to Shanghai La, there will be mountains on the horizon; just for me.

Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.


He insisted.

So, we did it.

It wasn’t my fault.

We made Italian beef sandwiches for the first time, and they were amazing. However, with a sandwich, one needs to eat bread of some sort in order to call it a sandwich.

So, we did.

Jesús bought bolillos, a dozen of them, and we ate heartily. They are so soft in the middle, the bolillos, with just a hint of crunch on the crust. They are addictive. No. I only ate 1 1/2 total bolillos, at 3 different times. And, yes, I included it in the fictional accounting of the foods I ate for those 2 days. (No, I didn’t really keep track those 2 days, knowing I was going overboard. So, sue me.)

We had purchased a “sirloin” primal at Costco, and had already used up what I would call acceptable steaks. The rest was definitely stringy, and loaded with sinew. Yesterday, he suggested that I cook the rest of the chunk like I did for the Italian beef sandwiches.

So, I did.

We had purchased a large jar of roasted red peppers at Costco, as well. I opened them, and put a large pepper on top of the hunk of meat, wrapped it in cling film, and put it in the fridge overnight. Later today, hopefully, we will use the meat slicer to slice the meat thinly, and put on a roll, (also purchased you know where).

The au jus one makes with this recipe is killer. No, not literally. It is absolutely delicious. If I remember, I will take photos of the above, and share it with you. If not, find a YT video, and enjoy.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.

It has begun


I have started back on a low carb lifestyle. Down here, that’s saying something. Tortillas, beans, rice; all of the lovely carbs I enjoy have to be reduced to a minimum for awhile. How long can I last?

As long as it takes. I am so tired of carrying around 2 stones of extra weight, I could scream. I won’t, but I feel like it sometimes.

This is not going to be very difficult for me, though, as I have been a carnivore from birth. To be forced to eat meat, poultry, fatty fish, chicken, eggs, dairy, avocados, nuts, green leafy veg, well, I look at it this way.

Someone has to; it might as well be me.

I am not a sweet fan by any stretch of the imagination. Give me a thick, medium rare, NY strip steak, with plenty of fat around the edges, and I’m in Heaven. If you throw in a baked potato with butter, you, too, will have a place in Heaven. (We haven’t had a baked Russet potato in over 3 years. Imagine that if you can!!!)

Anyway, we can’t go to the store just yet; have to wait for money to come in. After that, look out green grocers. We’re coming your way.

Hope all of you are doing well, and staying happy. Don’t forget to wash your hands, especially if you are no longer wearing masks. We are slowly getting out of the face covering here, too. See you soon.

So excited

I have to tell you how it’s the little things that make me smile.

I have been using my iPad Pro in its nifty cover that charges my pen, stores it, etc., for roughly 3 years, or more. It is finally giving up the ghost; after all of this time. I have made good use of the investment that it was at the time, so I don’t feel too badly about it no longer working well. Neither do I.

However, having looked into our stack of keypads for the Pro, I have, once again, found Ivan’s Brydge 11.0 Pro keypad/keyboard. My Pro fits comfortably into it, is portable, and types as fast as I do.

When I touch the keyboard, the backlight comes on, plus, I can adjust the light intensity without clack, clack, clacking a key, hoping something, anything will happen. It has taken me half again as long to type the last 10 posts as it is with this Brydge. I can actually keep up with my thoughts, and ideas.

As I said, it’s the little things.

You may be interested to know, that out of 4 bundles of basil cuttings from the store, and 3 months worth of trying, my latest little cutting has roots.

Beautiful smelling, luscious Genovese Basil.

I broke down, and bought a rooting hormone, put some in this little yogurt container, and poof; 3 weeks later, it has rooted. Thank the good Lord. I have a freezer with a ton of basil, taking up much needed space for other things. Now, I need to learn how to make pesto. Loves me some pesto.

Thought you might be interested to see that. Maybe you’ll like this as well.

Yessiree. That’s garlic. Have no idea what I’m doing, just stuck 3 cloves in the dirt, watered it, and they are all growing. You should see the onions. But, that’s for another day. As it is the spring, and the growing season is upon us, everything is taking off like crazy. I like crazy. It looks good on me.

But, you people need to stay happy,healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.

Lengua de res

Commonly referred to as beef tongue.

A more sumptuous piece of beef is not to be found. We found a meat market that doesn’t charge the same price, or higher than a t-bone for the tongue. Costco, one of our fav’s, charges $5, or $6 a pound for a tongue. As most are at least 2 pounds, that’s $10. For a beef tongue?

I think not.

The most recent one we bought we got at, not far from the apartment. It was half that price.

Swimming with celery tops, a quartered white onion, a jalapeño, for good measure, some bay leave, peppercorns, and oregano.
The peeled underside of said tongue.
The top side. 100% pure beef. The only thing we discard is the peeled, rough skin.

I remember, when we were dating, we made a tongue for my mom. When we left the tongue on the kitchen table, and went off to do the dishes, mom’s stupid dog came in, jumped up on the table, grabbed it, and took it behind the living room couch. By the time we got in there to retrieve it, though, she had almost completely eaten the thing.

Until we make another one, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.

Ear wax

He is obsessed with videos of ear wax removal.

On YT, there are hundreds of videos showing the removal of impacted, possibly hereditary, ear wax.


For years, I saw ear wax being removed by surgeons trained in its removal, and never really gave it much thought. Since he has become so cognizant of its existence, it has become more of a ‘thing’.

Mostly, the people in the videos are from third world countries; people who have, possibly, a lack of education about how to keep their ears clean of ear wax. OMG. It gets real, watching the videos. The amount of wax removed from those ears gets a bit overwhelming at times. Even he thinks so.

But, then there are the infected cow, and horses hooves. I do believe he is going to take up hoof cleaning as a hobby. Some of the videos I’ve peeked at are absolutely horrendous. The men cleaning these hooves always asks the owners why they don’t bring the animals in sooner. Some of the hooves that we’ve seen are several inches long, from neglect. Horrible.

Gosh, if you’re looking for a new “something” to watch on YT, try the two fun things already mentioned.

If they aren’t to your liking, there are always the butt flies.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.