Juan de Dios!!! Yay! We went over to Juan’s house, about five thirty, had a cup of coffee, with an obligatory piece of sweet bread, then, the three of us came home.
We gave Juan “the tour” of the apartment, taking our time with each space, then, sat at the table in the living room, and had a wonderful two hour conversation. He ate two small helpings of honeydew melon, took his evening meds, and is, at the moment, watching news clips with Ivan, in our bedroom.

We plan on walking at least once a day, hopefully twice, around the park. He was excited to see there is a park right outside our building! So are we. One of the many reasons we bought this place. Oh, I also showed him a few photos of the before, and “so far” in our remodeling. He was glad we made the changes we have. He, too, thought the apartment was too dark with the dark tile everywhere.
Anyway, we will all be going to bed sometime in the near future, to rise, and shine, tomorrow morning. I cannot wait to fix Juan some breakfast, like I used to in Iowa.
Please, now, more than ever, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.