Day 156

I do not understand what is wrong with me. I wonder if I am losing what little mind I have left?!

So far, in just these two days past, I have misplaced a large, red, handheld fan from Japan, a gift, and, my small leather coin purse, full of coins!

Of course, I have not gone down to the cars, to check them; that is too much work. When Ivan goes out tomorrow, to get the new tires for the Mercedes, he will check the cars. Much easier that way. Of course, I will have to, at some point, go down, and check them myself. Either of us could be looking for an object that we cannot find, only to have the other one comment that it is in the other ones hand!!!

Such is life, eh? Until I find the dang things, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: I am going to try my hand at some sort of bread, or, rolls using some of the sourdough for leavening. I will let you know, good, or, bad, how things work out.

Day 155

Can I write, just briefly, about the joys of constipation?

I have started making our own flour tortillas, and, let me just say- WOW. They have stopped me up like a plug in the sink. TMI- I know, but that is why you love me.

Now, we are finally outside, on our way to the grocery store, and, with all of the bumpy streets, my intestinal status is changing. Rapidly. If we do not get there, and, fairly quickly, well, I am not sure how to finish that thought.

Whew! Everything is fine. As an adult, I was able to control myself, therefore, all is well. We are on our way to drop off some groceries at Juan’s house, then, to Telcel, to check on our phone bill, and lastly, to Soriana, on a reconnaissance mission.

I have been trying to import King Arthur AP flour, but am unable. Now, I will have to start using whatever the best flour is here, locally. Should be interesting.

Until I can find all of the things I need to bake organically, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: after we dropped off the groceries at Juan’s, we stopped to chat for awhile, and, yes, business taken care of.

Day 154

We did it. We cut up the thirty day dry aged beef primal of sirloin, and this is how it went. (This post will be mainly photos).

The top of the sirloin primal.
Just out of the fridge.
Just out of the bag. (The tension is mounting;)
First cut, removing the paper toweling.
Cutting off most of the hard fat; the softer, white fat can stay.
Finishing up the under side.
Finished primal.
Ended with five one inch steaks, and one one and a half inch steak.
All of the lovely trimmings.

What an adventure. We started this on the twenty eighth of July, finishing today, the twenty seventh of August. Took up a bit of real estate in the fridge, but well worth the time, the space, and the expense.

I cannot recall how much we paid for the primal cut, but we gained two hundred fifty to three hundred dollars worth of steaks. They are going to be so tender, and delicious, we cannot wait.

The trimmings will be vacuum sealed and placed in the freezer. When we have enough room in the freezer to make some more ground beef, we will incorporate pieces of the trimmings as we grind the meat, which will impart deep, beefy flavor into the ground meat. Cannot wait!!

We are not going to eat the steaks until Saturday night, because we are going over to Juan’s house tomorrow night to have NY strips with them. Sacrifices.

I will let you know how they tasted, be assured. Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.