
Happy New Year everyone. And what a new year this will be! I trust you have come back here for more of the same, because, you know you are safe here! On that you have my assurance.

Beginnings. Everyone starts with a clean slate. Everyone is fresh, clean, new. Forget those things that have stopped your progress to self-fulfillment in the past. Get beyond your, well, you can decide for yourselves what you need to do this year. You do not need me to tell you. (Besides, you probably cannot afford me).

With a new year, as you know, comes new expectations, new disappointments, new challenges, new, well, everything. Do you think so, too?

You can do new things, too, whatever you want. You can start a blog post of your own. Or, you can learn to knit, or, perhaps, make a delicious Beef Wellington for your special someone this Valentines Day. Perhaps you want to perfect an amazing bolognese sauce, because, really, who can honestly say they do not enjoy an amazing bolognese? (If you have never had a bolognese sauce, you are missing out on one of life’s many culinary delights, and marvels.)

Now, if you were smart enough to tell Santa, the hubs, the kids, your grandkids, heck, anyone that would listen, that you wanted an Instant Pot, pretty please, for Christmas, and, they actually listened to you, and, you actually received it, you can make the best bolognese sauce, in it, in a heartbeat.

Will I give you the recipe? Of course not! Now that you have it, you need to be a responsible Instant Pot owner- responsible enough to search the web, (or, for those of you with teens around, they can help with the search), for different meals, or, just individual things to make in said pot. You have only to type in what you want to make, add “instant pot” before, or after your search item, and you will have millions of recipes from which to choose.

I hope you all enjoy the newness of what comes next, every day, during this year, because, it is just for you, and no one can take that from you. It is yours, and, will be whatever you make of it. Make it your best year yet!

Feliz Navidad, y Próspero Año y Felicidad.

(Are you singing along with José Feliciano right about now? Gotcha). Happy New Year, everyone.